Where to start ?
Business or Hobby ?

Where to start ? What script ? What to buy ?

Brainstorm first

Before diving into the calligraphy world here is the list you have to do first : 
1) How and why do you want to use calligraphy ? 
2) Define the use : is it a hobby of you would want to turn this hobby into a side business or a main business ? 
When you know what to do with calligraphy, that's when you have to make a lot of research. 
Calligraphy is all about research, testing and practicing. There are ways to ease and help you out when you have to batch create. But then there is also the fact that you want to be unique and create specfic creations for a specific audience. 
Ah ! Another thing, you need to define your audience, meaning , who do you do calligraphy for ? ( Thinking about the side bizz ). 

Then Decide

If you're interested in learning calligraphy as a beginner, here are some tips to get you started:

Get the right materials: You'll need a calligraphy pen, ink, and paper to get started. Consider purchasing a calligraphy starter kit that includes these materials, or look for individual pieces at an art supply store. For the store there isn't only one store you have to get all your calligraphy supplies. I do have several in mind that I have found on Instagram, Tiktok, and in the street while walking around my neighborhood. 

Learn the basics: Calligraphy is all about lettering, so start by learning the different types of lettering styles. Later in the blog we will look for each style and have examples for each. The thing is , you need to try, try , try and try again. You cannot just jump into it. You need to visualize, love the visual and what you see and only then : make the material list and try it out. Practice is the key to be able to write with Calligraphy rules. 

Like any skill, calligraphy takes practice to master. Set aside time each day to practice your lettering. You can find practice sheets and worksheets online to help you get started, you can make your own here.

If you prefer a more structured approach, consider taking a calligraphy class. Many art schools and community centers offer calligraphy classes, or you can look for online courses. there are many people that offer classes here and there but you have to put the price and budget before moving forward with the classes.

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I personally like to follow Suzanne Cunningham and Kestrel Montes since they are considered as Calligraphy Master Penmanship. they have several courses you can follow along and they usually respond to all the questions. they take time and they give practice sheets. It's live calligraphy for a few hours and they go transparent. On the otherhand, seeing all these master calligrapher all around might get you stressed out and give you the imposter syndrome. but don't worry we will overcome that together! Calligraphy can be a solitary pursuit, but it's more fun to learn with others. Join a calligraphy club or community to connect with other calligraphers, share your work, and get feedback on your progress if you find one. Usually Facebook is a great place to find communities, on Instagram it comes with the posting frequency. but then you have to build your community on Instagram but you can join one ion Facebook. 

Remember, calligraphy is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the process of learning and have fun with it!

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